
In a typical scenario you are not meant to use pharo-sentry directly. Instead, it should be used as an end-point for a logging framework, such as Beacon.


pharo-sentry includes a Beacon logger called SentryLogger that serializes and dispatches exceptions via sentry:

SentryLogger new runDuring: [
	[ 1/0 ] on: Exception do: [ :ex | ex emit ]

Likewise string-based signals are serialized into sentry messages:

SentryLogger start.
StringSignal emit: 'test'.
SentryLogger stop.

Beacon Properties

The serializer takes into account Beacon’s timestamp, reporting level, and custom properties. Custom properties are converted to Sentry tags:

SentryLogger runDuring: [
	StringSignal new
		message: 'The Sun didn''t rise';
		level: LogLevel error;
		in: [ :signal | signal properties at: 'foo' put: 'bar' ];


Events created using SentryLogger are marked as beacon logger, instead of the standard pharo-sentry.